
Proteinuria 4+ Becomes Nil: Does It mean My IgA Nephropathy Was Cured

Proteinuria 4+ Becomes Nil: Does It mean My IgA Nephropathy Was Cured

Question: I was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy in 2007. That time my proteinuria was 4+, but now it was nil. Does it mean that my disease was cured?
Answer: Proteinuria is a common clinical symptom of IgA Nephropathy. When it was nil, it does not mean your disease was cured. So far IgA Nephropathy is incurable. Now it was nidus, but maybe under some inducements, such as infections, your proteinuria may come back again. Therefore, what you should do is to reinforce the therapeutic effect. And then you can lead a normal life with IgA Nephropathy without worrying about kidney failure.


Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Take Medicine in Their Whole Life

Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Take Medicine in Their Whole Life

Should Nephrotic Syndrome patients take medicine in their whole life? Because Nephrotic Syndrome is incurable, many patients worry that they have to eat medicine in whole life. In fact, they need not.



What Can I Use For Kidney Swelling

What Can I Use For Kidney Swelling

Swelling is an obvious complication from kidney disease. Your damaged kidneys cannot remove extra fluid from your body, you will likely experience swelling in your legs, ankles, feet, face or hands. Well, what can you do for kidney swelling?


How Can You Help Creatinine 13.2 and Urea 197

How Can You Help Creatinine 13.2 and Urea 197

Normal urea levels in healthy adults are between 10 and 20mg/dL and normal creatinine levels are 0.5-1.2mg/dL. Creatinine 13.2 and urea 197 are much higher than normal range. They are indicators of kidney damage. Well, how does our hospital help lower creatinine level 13.2 and urea 197?


Alternative Treatment For Kidney Failure In China

Alternative Treatment For Kidney Failure In China

In foreign countries like UK, America, Canada and Australia, etc, kidney patients are often told by kidney doctors that dialysis and kidney transplant are the only two treatment options. Once you are diagnosed with kidney failure, you are sentenced to death. In China, our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends alternative treatment for kidney failure. Your life expectancy can be prolonged.



Are Mangoes Good for Kidney Patients

Are Mangoes Good for Kidney Patients

With their rich nutrient values and delicious tastes, mangoes are favored by many people. Are mangoes good for kidney patients who have restricted diet? In the following, you may have a general knowledge.


Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Lady finger is a high-grade nutrition health vegetable, which is popular around the world by people, and lady fingers are rich in nutrients. In addition, lady finger is also regarded as good in the new century green foods in America and England, which is also be regarded as olympic vegetable. Since lady finger is so favored by people, is it good for people with kidney disease.


Kidney Failure:Choosing a Treatment That’s Right For You

Kidney Failure:Choosing a Treatment That’s Right For You

Kidney Failure, also known as renal failure, refers to the severe kidney damage and low kidney function. With the disease, patients can get some severe symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, skin itching, high blood pressure, and so on, and patients can get weaker and weaker. Then what should be the treatment for kidney failure? Kidneyhospitalchina suggest: choosing a treatment that’s right for you.


Are There Any Herbal Pills I Can Take to Reduce My Creatinine 3.1

Are There Any Herbal Pills I Can Take to Reduce My Creatinine 3.1

Are there any herbal pills I can take to reduce my creatinine 3.1? This should be a common question for kidney patients when they get elevated creatinine level, and the patients will try to take many measures to lower the high creatinine level. Some of the kidney patients would like to know about the herbal pills to reduce high creatinine 3.1. In this article, kidneyhospitalchina will give further understanding of this question.


Natural Ways To Treat Protein In urine For FSGS

Natural Ways To Treat Protein In urine For FSGS

If we leave out other factors which can cause protein in urine, then the protein in urine can be a common symptom of FSGS. It can present foamy urine or bubbles in urine. Generally speaking, healthy people can keep protein from leaking out of the body through glomerular filtering function and kidney tubule’s reabsorbing function. However, for FSGS patients, due to damaged kidney, a lot of protein will appear in urine that drives patients to find out natural ways to treat protein in urine for FSGS.


How Does Nephrotic Syndrome Cause High Levels of BUN and Creatini

How Does Nephrotic Syndrome Cause High Levels of BUN and Creatini

For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, they can have high levels of BUN and creatinine. Nephrotic Syndrome is a kind of kidney disease which is featured with much proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, serious edema and hyperlipemia. The fundamental cause of Nephrotic Syndrome is glomeruli damage. However, Bun and creatinine are some wastes in body. So how does Nephrotic Syndrome make these two wastes increase? Please see the below:


FSGS: High Creatinine Level Can Lower 10% after 12-15 Days’ Chinese Treatment

FSGS: High Creatinine Level Can Lower 10% after 12-15 Days’ Chinese Treatment

High creatinine level is a big concern of FSGS patients, because it indicates that kidneys are severely damaged. If you could come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, it is no more a problem. Your high creatinine level can lower to 10% after 12-15 days’ Chinese treatment in our hospital. Keep on treatment, your creatinine level will be lowered further. Now renal experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will tell you more corresponding information. Any other questions on FSGS treatment, please feel free to contact online doctor.


What Helps the Kidneys Repair Themselves for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

What Helps the Kidneys Repair Themselves for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

When there is a cut on finger, it heals itself without any treatment. But if the cut is very deep, you should take treatment to help them recover. The damaged kidneys are the similar. They can heal themselves, but the precondition is that you should help them recover quickly. What helps the kidneys repair themselves for Nephrotic Syndrome patients?


Is Quinoa Good for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients

Is Quinoa Good for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients

Is quinoa good for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients? CKD patients need to pay attention to their daily diet, because a well planed diet can help reduce kidney burden and protect their kidneys. So patients will wonder whether they can take quinoa in their daily diet.

Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Lady finger is a high-grade nutrition health vegetable, which is popular around the world by people, and lady fingers are rich in nutrients. In addition, lady finger is also regarded as good in the new century green foods in America and England, which is also be regarded as olympic vegetable. Since lady finger is so favored by people, is it good for people with kidney disease.


Does Apple Cider Vinegar Improve Kidney Function

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Improve Kidney Function

Does apple cider vinegar improve kidney function? As we know, diet plays an important role in kidney disease patients, which can help reduce the kidney burden and protect the kidney function, and some foods can even improve the kidney function. So more and more patients are searching for the good foods and drinks to improve their condition.



Do Not Be Afraid. We Have Effective Treatment For Kidney Disease

Do Not Be Afraid. We Have Effective Treatment For Kidney Disease

Nothing s so certain as the unexpected. Mr Zhang suffered from kidney disease recently. Besides obvious swelling, he also experienced serious tinnitus. He becomes very annoyed when someone talks around him. To seek further treatment, he comes to our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for treatment.

Creatinine Level 3340, Chinese Medicines, No Worries

Creatinine Level 3340, Chinese Medicines, No Worries

Ilham is a uremia patient from Brunei. His creatinine level increases to 3340umol/L from 800umol/L due to delayed treatment. His doctor told him dialysis is his only treatment so he began dialysis. During dialysis, his doctor wanted to control his symptoms but he had difficult breath all the time. He had no choice but to come to our hospital for treatment.


Can Chinese Medicine Help Children Get Rid of Nephrotic Syndrome

Can Chinese Medicine Help Children Get Rid of Nephrotic Syndrome

Can Chinese medicine help children get rid of Nephrotic Syndrome? If your child’s Nephrotic Syndrome relapses frequently and if he/she are fed up of steroid treatment, you can try Chinese medicine.



His 10 Years’ Purpura Got Disappeared After Taking Chinese Medicine Treatment in China

His 10 Years’ Purpura Got Disappeared After Taking Chinese Medicine Treatment in China

Pupura nephritis is a kind of kidney disease caused by purpura, and it is a progressive kidney disease with gradually reduced kidney function. This is a disease that is difficult to be controlled well. In this article, we will learn a patient story who gets well after taking Chinese medicine treatment with pupura nephritis.


Is Cannabis Oil A Healer for CKD Patients

Is Cannabis Oil A Healer for CKD Patients

Is cannabis oil a healer for CKD patients? CKD, or chronic kidney disease, is a progressive kidney disease, and patients will finally develop into end stage kidney failure without effective treatment. A well planed diet is also good for CKD patients, which can help reduce kidney burden and protect their kidney function. So patients will wonder whether cannabis oil good for CKD patients.


Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Is Lady Finger Good for People with Kidney Disease

Lady finger is a high-grade nutrition health vegetable, which is popular around the world by people, and lady fingers are rich in nutrients. In addition, lady finger is also regarded as good in the new century green foods in America and England, which is also be regarded as olympic vegetable. Since lady finger is so favored by people, is it good for people with kidney disease.


I Want To Go to Your Hospital For Stage 5 CKD Other Than Regular Dialysis

I Want To Go to Your Hospital For Stage 5 CKD Other Than Regular Dialysis

“Where is your hospital? I want to go there. I suffer from stage 5 CKD. Doctor suggests me dialysis but I do not want”. This is a question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Most patients want to get rid of dialysis, right? Our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China can help you avoid dialysis.



35% Kidney Function and PKD: Best Treatment Choice in China

35% Kidney Function and PKD: Best Treatment Choice in China

PKD, Polycystic Kidney Disease, is a genetic kidney disease, and there are numerous cysts formed on the kidneys, which can oppress surrounding kidney tissues and cause kidney damage. So patients will get gradually reduced kidney function with enlarged kidney cysts. Then what is the best treatment choice for 35% kidney function and PKD in China?


Fruit and Vegetables to Eat for Patients of Proteinuria with Nephrotic Syndrome

Fruit and Vegetables to Eat for Patients of Proteinuria with Nephrotic Syndrome

For patients of proteinuria with Nephrotic Syndrome, they are often recommended to eat a low protein, low sodium and low fat diet. Besides, they are also encouraged to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. What are the fruit and vegetables to eat for patients of proteinuria with Nephrotic Syndrome?


Natural Ways To Treat Protein In urine For FSGS

Natural Ways To Treat Protein In urine For FSGS

If we leave out other factors which can cause protein in urine, then the protein in urine can be a common symptom of FSGS. It can present foamy urine or bubbles in urine. Generally speaking, healthy people can keep protein from leaking out of the body through glomerular filtering function and kidney tubule’s reabsorbing function. However, for FSGS patients, due to damaged kidney, a lot of protein will appear in urine that drives patients to find out natural ways to treat protein in urine for FSGS.


Home Remedy to Stop Foamy Urine for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Home Remedy to Stop Foamy Urine for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Foamy urine is a typical symptom of Nephrotic Syndrome. Besides medical treatment, we should know some home remedy to stop foamy urine for Nephrotic Syndrome patients. The combination of medical treatment and home remedy can help you achieve a better curative effect.


The Best Diet Plan For IgA Nephropathy

The Best Diet Plan For IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy, also known as Berger’s disease, is caused by the deposition of immune globulins in glomerular mesangial area. It is a kidney disease which easily hits children and teenagers. The best diet plan for IgA Nephropathy can not only help improve patients’ life quality, but also has high influences on improving the outcome of treatments of this disease. So there are some suggestions about this topic and we hope a part of the following passages can help you greatly.


Diabetic Nephropathy Stage 5 Patient: Creatinine Was Down to 342 from 980

Diabetic Nephropathy Stage 5 Patient: Creatinine Was Down to 342 from 980

In January 9th 2016, an old man sitting on wheelchair accompanied by two daughters came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for treatment.

He was 59 years old from India. Being with Diabetes for about 15 years, he was diagnosed with Diabetic Nephropathy. Now it develops to stage 5. He also has high blood pressure, depression, gatism, etc. After doing blood test, he found that his creatinine was as high as 980, blood pressure was as high as 160/90, anemia, etc, which made him lose temper.


Renal Failure, Dialysis for 2 Years: Is There Any Treatment for Him

Renal Failure, Dialysis for 2 Years: Is There Any Treatment for Him

Details: Q: hi, my husband is suffering from renal failure, and he has been kidney washing for two years. Is there any treatment for him in your hospital? Please help


Can Dialysis Help Lower High Creatinine in Stage 4 Kidney Failure

Can Dialysis Help Lower High Creatinine in Stage 4 Kidney Failure

Can dialysis help lower high creatinine in stage 4 kidney failure? This is a question got from our mail box, chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com, and this should be one of the most concerned question. In the following article, kidneyhospitalchina will give solutions.


Chronic Kidney Failure Stage 5 Patient Got Great Improvement with Chinese Medicine

Chronic Kidney Failure Stage 5 Patient Got Great Improvement with Chinese Medicine

William is a 60 years old man from British. He was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure stage 5. Because there is not good treatment for such a disease in local, he came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital under the company of his wife. After 30 days’ treatment with Chinese medicine, there is great improvement. Now let’s have a quick look.


I Want To Go to Your Hospital For Stage 5 CKD Other Than Regular Dialysis

I Want To Go to Your Hospital For Stage 5 CKD Other Than Regular Dialysis
“Where is your hospital? I want to go there. I suffer from stage 5 CKD. Doctor suggests me dialysis but I do not want”. This is a question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Most patients want to get rid of dialysis, right? Our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China can help you avoid dialysis.


What Is The Best Remedy To Shrink Kidney Cyst

What Is The Best Remedy To Shrink Kidney Cyst

“I have a kidney cyst for about 5cm. I do not know why my doctor did not prescribe me at least even medication in order that my kidney cyst will shrink but she told me that I will come back after 6 months for my ultrasound so that they will know if my cyst is getting bigger. What is the best remedy to shrink my kidney cysts. I need your response”. This is a question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Here our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will give you best remedy to shrink kidney cyst.


How To Get Rid Of Protein In Urine From Stage 3 CKD

How To Get Rid Of Protein In Urine From Stage 3 CKD

“My sister is at stage 3 with her kidneys. She is trying to figure out how to get the protein out of her urine. Can your hospital help us?”. This is question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Now we will tell you how to stop protein in urine.



Treatment for Fever in CKD Patients

Treatment for Fever in CKD Patients

Fever with CKD is to add insult to injury, because frequent fever can cause further damage to your kidneys. How to treat fever for CKD patients?


Natural Remedies For Getting Rid Of Swelling In Kidney Failure

Natural Remedies For Getting Rid Of Swelling In Kidney Failure

Kidney failure is a complete loss of your kidneys’ ability to remove waste and help balance fluids and electrolytes in your body. Swelling is a common sign of kidney failure. So are there any natural remedies for getting rid of swelling in kidney failure?


Tea Colored Urine Indicates Kidney Damage

Tea Colored Urine Indicates Kidney Damage

Tea colored urine is urine that is a deeper color rather than the usual straw to yellow color. Urine is produced by our kidneys so kidney damage is the main cause of changes of urine color.
B vitamins turn the color of the urine to green, carrot juice can make urine color into orange and porphyria. Dyes, foods, prescription drugs and supplements change the color of the urine. However, these changes are temporary and harmless. If the change in the color of the urine does not be related with food or medications, or if it persists, you should consult the doctor. This condition is usually a sign of kidney damage.



Chinese Treatment for Renal Failure Patients to Get Normal Life

Chinese Treatment for Renal Failure Patients to Get Normal Life

Renal failure, also known as kidney failure, refers to the kidney damage with very low kidney function, and dialysis will be needed in end stage renal failure, which can affect the normal life seriously for patients. Chinese medicine treatment can help renal failure patients to get normal life. In this article, we will tell the true patient story.


How to Get Off Dialysis for Renal Failure With High Creatinine 9.6

How to Get Off Dialysis for Renal Failure With High Creatinine 9.6

High creatinine 9.6 is a severe sign in renal failure, and it means the kidneys have been damaged severely with less than 15% kidney function left. Dialysis will be suggested or have started in this condition. However, most of the patients would like to get off of dialysis to live a better life. Then how can you get off dialysis with renal failure and high creatinine 9.6? Read on, you can get the solutions.


Creatinine Level Increased From 2.8 to 8.4 in 2 Weeks: What Is the Treatment

Creatinine Level Increased From 2.8 to 8.4 in 2 Weeks: What Is the Treatment

High creatinine level is often regarded as a severe sign in kidney disease, and it means the kidneys have been damaged severely with less than 50% kidney function. The higher creatinine level is, the lower kidney function left for kidney patients. Then what is the treatment for creatinine level increased from 2.8 to 8.4 in 2 weeks? Read on, you can get solutions.


Which Drugs Are Used to Decrease Creatinine for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Which Drugs Are Used to Decrease Creatinine for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

Which drugs are used to decrease creatinine level for Nephrotic Syndrome patients? Ketosteril? Medicinal coal tablets? Water pills? No. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use Chinese medicine to help you decrease creatinine level. Read on to learn more information.


Steroids Are No More Good Choices for Nephrotic Syndrome if Used for Over 3 Months

Steroids Are No More Good Choices for Nephrotic Syndrome if Used for Over 3 Months

The most commonly used treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome is to use steroids to block kidney inflammation and reduce protein leakage. In such a case, it is very helpful. But they have many side effects if used for a long term, which discourage many patients from staying away from them. Here we have to say that steroids are no more good choices for Nephrotic Syndrome if used for over 3 months.


How Long Should You Be On Prednisone for IgA Nephropathy

How Long Should You Be On Prednisone for IgA Nephropathy

With IgA Nephropathy, prednisone is often prescribed to block kidney inflammation and reduce protein leakage. How long should you be on prednisone for IgA Nephropathy? Should you be on it for the whole life? If you have any doubt on IgA Nephropathy treatment, please feel free to contact online doctor. We are glad to help you.



How To Get Rid Of Protein In Urine From Stage 3 CKD

How To Get Rid Of Protein In Urine From Stage 3 CKD

“My sister is at stage 3 with her kidneys. She is trying to figure out how to get the protein out of her urine. Can your hospital help us?”. This is question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Now we will tell you how to stop protein in urine.


What Is The Best Remedy To Shrink Kidney Cyst

What Is The Best Remedy To Shrink Kidney Cyst

“I have a kidney cyst for about 5cm. I do not know why my doctor did not prescribe me at least even medication in order that my kidney cyst will shrink but she told me that I will come back after 6 months for my ultrasound so that they will know if my cyst is getting bigger. What is the best remedy to shrink my kidney cysts. I need your response”. This is a question from our mail box chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. Here our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will give you best remedy to shrink kidney cyst.


Chinese Medicines Help You Avoid Further Dialysis with Creatinine 13

Chinese Medicines Help You Avoid Further Dialysis with Creatinine 13

You may be told by your doctor that dialysis is a must for you when your creatinine level elevates to 13. In foreign countries, you have no choice but to take dialysis when your creatinine level is high. However, in China, aside from dialysis, our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has alternative treatments to avoid further dialysis if creatinine is 13. That is Chinese medicine treatment.


Is Oatmeal Good for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

Is Oatmeal Good for People with Chronic Kidney Disease

Can patients with CKD eat oatmeal? Oatmeal is very popular and common with people all over the world, and we always eat oatmeal at breakfast. What is more, there are many kinds of nutrients in oatmeal, for instance, vitamin B 1,B 2, E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, etc. So, can oatmeal be beneficial to patients with CKD? Now let’s see effects of oatmeal on patients with CKD.



BUN 45 And Creatinine 3.7: What To Do Naturally for This Condition

BUN 45 And Creatinine 3.7: What To Do Naturally for This Condition

BUN (blood urea nitrogen) and creatinine are the wastes products in blood, and they are mainly excreted by kidneys. When kidneys are damaged with more than 50% kidney function, it will cause elevation of BUN and creatinine level in blood. So the high BUN and creatinine are often regarded as severe signs for kidney disease patients. Then what should be done naturally for the condition with BUN 45 and creatinine 3.7? Read on, you can get solutions.


Full Bath Therapy: A Good Choice for Renal Failure

Full Bath Therapy: A Good Choice for Renal Failure

Full Bath Therapy is a featured treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, and it mainly uses the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is a commonly used to remedy the kidney failure. In this article, we will introduce the Full Bath Therapy for renal failure.



Can Patients with Kidney Failure Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Can Patients with Kidney Failure Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

 Can Patients with Kidney Failure Drink Apple Cider VinegarCan patients

with kidney failure drink apple cider vinegar? Recently, a patient with

kidney failure who loves drinking apple cider vinegar has consulted us

about this question. In view of his concern, here we will make a specific

introduction for him.
