Blood in urine, is it chronic kidney disease?
There are lots of people have this question, because many diseases can cause blood in urine. If you want to find the answer, just have a check to know the red blood cell deformation rate. If the deformation rate is more than 60%, that is renal hematuria which is caused by chronic kidney disease. Otherwise, the reason may be to urolithiasis, urinary tract infection, tumor, and so on.
Our unique treatments for kidney disease
Our unique treatments for kidney disease plays a big role, one of them is umbilical therapy - a foot method which is very popular with patients. Today I will explain what is it ?
Time: 10 minutes
Location: Yongquan acupoint
Role: For double leg edema, high urinary protein, ascites or frail, chest condition and loss of appetite ,it has very good curative effect. The special medicine getting in makes the patients’ blood filling, luster appearance, light body fitness, prolong life.
Time: 10 minutes
Location: Yongquan acupoint
Role: For double leg edema, high urinary protein, ascites or frail, chest condition and loss of appetite ,it has very good curative effect. The special medicine getting in makes the patients’ blood filling, luster appearance, light body fitness, prolong life.
Many of us love the hot kick of a curry searing with chili peppers and ginger. Some can't stand the burn.
But spice-phobes should consider a change of heart - since new research shows these two ingredients combine to create a compound that fights cancer.
The finding, from the American Chemical Society, builds on previous studies that suggested a property in chili peppers (capsaicin) fuels tumor growth.
However, according to the new research, capsaicin can be turned into a cancer-fighting property when combined with ginger's pungent compound 6-gingergol.
Ginger has long been touted as a health food, recommended to patients for everything from a cold to a severe disease as it stimulates anti-inflammatory cells.
Over several weeks, the ACS researchers fed mice prone to lung cancer either capsaicin or 6-gingerol alone, or a combination of both.
During the study period, all of the mice that received only capsaicin developed lung carcinomas while only half of the mice fed 6-gingerol did.
Surprisingly, an even lower percentage - only 20 per cent - of the mice given both compounds developed cancer.
The researchers also dug into the potential molecular underpinnings of how the compounds interact to lead to this effect.
Three experts weigh in on the subtle ways your little one might be asking for your help.
Kids with anxiety often worry about what's going to happen and if they're going to be okay. While they might not be able to truly verbalize these fears, they might frequently try to ease their minds by coming to you with questions about the future. "Children often include their parents in their anxiety by asking for and seeking out reassurance," says Dr. Janine Domingues, a clinical psychologist in the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute in New York City. If your child is beginning to ask a wealth of questions that begin with the words "what if," take note.
Abnormal behavioral symptoms of any sickness are often the ones that parents notice first, and behavioral symptoms of anxiety are no exception, says Dr. Aarti Gupta, a family psychologist and the clinical director of TherapyNest in Los Altos, California. Just like when she's battling an illness that makes her stomach upset, your child might push away food (or even eat more of it than usual) when she's feeling anxious.
Dr. Debra Kissen, the clinical director of the Light on Anxiety Treatment Center in Chicago, says that children will often seem irritable and aggressive as they attempt to process the complex emotions that come with an anxiety disorder. She also says children with anxiety might exhibit a "low frustration tolerance" - meaning their reactions will seem disproportionate to the severity of the situations they're dealing with, and their temper tantrums might seem over-the-top.
Although these physical symptoms might not seem directly connected to the mental health problem that is anxiety, all three of our experts point to frequent headaches and stomachaches as common signs of the disorder. These physical reactions are the direct result of your child's body responding to the danger they perceive, Dr. Domingues says.
If you’re anything like me, you wake up in the morning, hit the ground running
If you’re anything like me, you wake up in the morning, hit the ground running, work through lunch, and only stop thinking about your job when your head hits the pillow. So, needless to say, I occasionally have days where I’m stressed out of my mind. You may think that your day is too jam-packed with meetings and events to find the time for relaxation…and you’d be wrong. Believe it or not, you can take measures to reduce your stress levels that will only take 45 seconds of your time. Here are ten tips that can help you de-stress in record time. 1. Read a Poem Take 45 seconds to savor a single haiku, or read over your favorite sonnet. Beautiful language can really twist your mind in a way that helps to push away the cares of the day. And even if poetry isn’t really your thing, you might find enjoyment in reading something with a humorous bent. Think Shel Silverstein, Ogden Nash, or Dr. Seuss. 2. Blow Off Some Steam Get up and get moving, just for the amount of time it takes to hum a couple rounds of “Happy Birthday”. If you can burn off some of that nervous energy, you’ll feel energized, refreshed, and far more mentally capable of handling the stresses of your day. If you can get some sun in during those precious few seconds, so much the better. Never underestimate the power of fresh air and sunshine to improve your mood.
Gone are the days when people throng out of office blocks for a quick bite at lunch
Gone are the days when people throng out of office blocks for a quick bite at lunch. In Chinese cities today, busy office workers have their meals delivered after a few simple touches on a smartphone. The process takes a few minutes, and who can resist online discount? But do the mouth-watering pictures on the phone match the sanitary conditions we expect? Recent investigations by Xinhua and other media outlets reveal worrisome findings. In theory, online catering platforms require restaurants to post pictures of their business license and health certificates online where customers place their order. While most comply, some flounder and post blurred or fake images. While the authorities have not yet received any reports of major food safety cases, there are unverified comments left on these platforms complaining about diarrhea and worse. China had 688 million Internet users by the end of 2015, with more than 90 percent using smartphones. The country has strict food safety regulations, but the proliferation of kitchens and restaurants makes supervision more difficult. Last year, the national legislature amended its seven-year-old Food Safety Law, adding provisions to govern online vendors. Confronted with Xinhua's findings, both meituan and ele.me declined to comment. Baidu repeated that it requires all registered vendors to post authentic licenses on their web wage and runs regular checks to ensure compliance.
Flight delays typically lead to frustrated passengers and harassed airline staff
Flight delays typically lead to frustrated passengers and harassed airline staff, but a one-hour hold-up to the only flight between Ganzhou and Guangzhou last Tuesday was accepted without complaint. In order to transport a passenger carrying donated human organs, China's Southern Airlines delayed the only direct service from Ganzhou to Guangzhou. The airline also provided a priority boarding service by using the "green passage", guaranteeing a safe and fast transfer of the organs, according to Chinanews. The airline contacted Ganzhou airport in east China's Jiangxi Province as soon as it was made aware that a doctor named Liao was to transport human organs on the flight. 航班因等待转运捐献器官延误 旅客没有一人抱怨 The airline's staff arranged for the other passengers to check in ahead of time and warned that the flight would be delayed – but everyone accepted the situation without complaint. The "green passage" service meant that Liao took only three minutes to go through the security check and take his seat – along with his precious cargo. After the flight arrived in Guangzhou, crew members helped Liao to get off the plane and out of the airport, ensuring the organs reached their intended recipient as soon as possible. China's health, police and transportation authorities jointly announced the establishment of a "green passage" on May 6, 2016 to ensure the fast and safe transfer of donated human organs.
People with a gene linked to weight gain are just as likely to benefit from weight
People with a gene linked to weight gain are just as likely to benefit from weight loss programmes as those without, researchers have discovered. The findings suggest diet, exercise and drug-based approaches to losing weight can be widely beneficial, even if some people may have a greater risk of piling on the pounds due to their genetics. In short, your DNA is not a barrier to weight loss. While many genes are believed to affect body weight, a particular version of the so-called FTO gene shows one of the strongest associations with fat gain. Those carrying two copies of the genetic variant – about 16% of the population – are on average 3kg heavier than those without, and 1.7 times more likely to be obese. While it is not known exactly how the genetic variant promotes weight gain, it is believed to increase the appeal of high-calorie foods and reduce the feeling of fullness after a meal. But whether it also affects efforts to shed pounds has been a matter of debate. "It has become clear that genetics play a part in the reason why some of us get fatter," said John Mathers, lead author of the research from Newcastle University. "The one that has the biggest effect in most people is the FTO gene, so we wondered whether having the high-risk version of the FTO gene would affect how well you could lose weight." Writing in the British Medical Journal, Mathers and an international team of collaborators describe how they analysed eight previously published randomised control trials involving a total of more than 9,500 overweight or obese adults to investigate whether carrying the obesity-linked version of the FTO gene affects the ability to lose weight. In all of the studies, the participants were tested to discover whether they carried the genetic variant, and whether they had one copy or two, but the results were not disclosed to the participants. The researchers found that for each copy of the high-risk gene the participants possessed, they were, on average, almost 0.9kg heavier. TThe participants took part in a variety of weight-loss programmes, including diet-based, exercise-based and drug-based approaches. "To our surprise, we discovered that carrying the high-risk FTO gene made no difference to your ability to lose weight." "So people lost weight at just the same rate if they had the high-risk version of the FTO gene as if they didn't," said Mathers. "There was no link between the type of the intervention – so whether the people were losing weight through diet or physical activity – and the gene. It seemed to work equally well." Sex and ethnicity, the authors said, did not affect the rate of weight loss, although they noted there was a lack of participants of Asian descent. The studies, added Mathers, did not show whether carrying the obesity-linked version of the FTO gene affects whether weight loss was sustained, as the longest follow-up time was three years. Dr Jude Oben, co-founder of the Obesity Action Campaign and senior lecturer in hepatology at University College London, welcomed the results. "Obesity is costing the NHS 16bn pounds a year. We at Obesity Action Campaign are alarmed by this." "Obesity causes cancer, diabetes, heart disease and liver cirrhosis. It is the HIV of our age. It is killing millions of our patients," he said. "That this size of study and its robust statistical methodologies support common sense is great. " "It means that general weight loss strategies which must involve the psychological, nutritional, physical and policy changes should be developed."
Symptoms of Kidney Diseases Kidney is the root of one’s body
Symptoms of Kidney Diseases Kidney is the root of one’s body, so everyone should protect it very carefully. But do you know the symptoms of kidney diseases? See as bellows: 1.Always feel tired. When there are some problems with your kidney, the metabolic waste cannot be eliminated from the urine. Thus, you may feel tired and languid. Some people may think the reason is overtired or other things, which may make them ignore the problems in their kidney. 2.Have no appetite and even feel nauseated. When people have those symptoms, some of them always think that there are something wrong with their stomach. They think it is nothing serious so that they put it aside. However, they do not know that may be the early symptoms of kidney disease, and even worse they may delay the best occasion for the treatment. 3.Foam in urine. There are many reasons of why there are foam in one’s urine. One reason is that there is protein leaking from kidney to the urine. 4.Low back pain. The location of the kidney is in two sides of the lumbar spine. So people may feel low back pain when they have kidney diseases. 5.Too much or too little urine a day. A health person urinates for four to six times a day and the urine volume is 800 to 2000 ml. If the volume is decrease or increase, there may be something wrong with ones kidney. 6.Swelling. If there is a sudden swelling of your eyelids, lower limbs or general pitting edema of your body, you must pay attention to whether you have kidney diseases or not. 7. Urine protein or urine occult blood. You’d better to take regular physical examinations. If you do have urine protein and urine occult blood in the routine urinalysis, you do remember to see a doctor in time. 8. Anemia. If we appear anemia, we will thinks about blood problem at once. But actually, kidney damage can also cause anemia. Because the function of kidney is not only to excrete body wastes but also to secrete Hematopoietic hormone. 9. Diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes. There are five stages of diabetic nephropathy. And it is efficient to receive the early treatment. Once it is too late, it will evolve into uremia. Therefore, patients with diabetes must take renal examinations frequently. 10. Hypertension. High blood pressure may lead to hypertensive nephropathy, so people with high blood pressure must be so careful. In fact, kidney diseases can also cause high blood pressure. So if you have high blood pressure, you should be careful enough if you got kidney disease. 11.Gout and hyperuricemia. Too much uric acid in blood lead to gout and hyperuricemia. The deposition of uric acid can damage the kidney. 12.Urinary tract infection. If you are often affected by Urinary tract infection that you should be careful. Because urinary tract infection may cause renal insufficiency. People may do not know it can lead to kidney disease. So when the final results have found, many people already have missed the best occasion for treatment because of the incomplete and delayed therapy in early treatment.
Turbid Urine Does not Mean Nephritis Some people discover that their urine turns cloudy
Turbid Urine Does not Mean Nephritis Some people discover that their urine turns cloudy, so they think nephritis begin attacking them. It is not the case. Cloudy urine may result from many reasons. If there are various kinds of white blood cells, red blood cells, grume, albumin, globulin or other kinds of protein in urine, the urine would become cloudy. Lymph in urine would also lead to turbid urine. After being vibrated, there would be some white or light yellow foams appear in normal and newly excreted urine. After short-term posput, urine becomes mildly turbid. This is because after cooling, there would be some evaporate materials separate out of urine. If the urine is alkaline, phosphate crystal and carbonate crystal would separate out, urine would becomes gray and turbid. If the urine is acidic, lihate crystal would separate out, urines would show red and turbid. Phosphate crystal and carbonate crystal would disappear when combining with acetic acid, lihate would also vanish when heating or combing with alkali, then urine would become limpid. So if urine would not become limpid after heating or adding acetic acid or alkali, people can consider that the cloudy urine result from lesion in kidney. From above, cloudy urine is not the indeed symptom of nephritis. But if people’s urine turns turbid and red , and there are lots of foams in urine, they’d better go to formal hospitals to take test.
Whether Play Taiji Could help the Recovery from Hypertensive Nephropathy The Taiji
Whether Play Taiji Could help the Recovery from Hypertensive Nephropathy The Taiji culture in our country is profound. Every morning in our daily life, you could see many Taiji lovers gathered together and play it. Many people advocated that practice Taiji could fortify one’s health and cure different kinds of diseases such as hypertensive nephropathy. So does Taiji really help to treat hypertensive nephropathy? The kidney disease experts said that practice Taiji indeed have the function of readjust the mental and physical health and strengthen the body. Taiji could adjust the physiological state of our body, and make the function of human body stay at “ relaxing reaction”. This kind of reaction could adjust vegetative nervous system and decrease the activity of sympathetic nerve through lower the metabolism. It could also help to change the abnormal symptoms of the hypertensive nephropathy patients’ haemodynamics. Practicing Taiji could also decrease the resistance surrounded us, and make the blood pressure goes down, and improve the peripheral blood flow. At the same time, doing Taiji may let the secretion of renin and angiotensin begin to change, so that the level of angiotensin at ease and decrease the blood pressure. So practice Taiji is helpful to prevent and cure diabetes and make the disease condition better and stable through the guidance of thoughts and adjust of breath. The sports that hypertensive nephropathy patients could choose are waling, jogging, Taiji, Baduanjin exercises, health exercises and qigong. They should not choose those sport items that are excessive exercises or waving exaggerated and of high frequency. Such as take a walk everyday for those who are elder and in heavier condition, they should control the time for they don’t fell tired. The patients should better not do exercises outside in the early morning, because the temperature outside is too low for them and would stimulate the blood vessel shrinks. It may aggravate the diabetes condition and even cause stroke. So the best time for hypertensive nephropathy patients to do exercises is at 16:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon. The details above talks about that practice Taiji is helpful to cure hypertensive nephropathy. But the patients of hypertensive nephropathy should not be too tired, and they should also keep warm, because it may sweat after doing exercises. They should prevent from cold, because both catch a cold and overworking are easily aggravate state of hypertensive nephropathy.
Keeping health life habits The kidney disease patient cannot stay up
Keeping health life habits The kidney disease patient cannot stay up. The root reason is that staying up would lower immune power, which is the main trigger for the kidney disease. If you stay up, such symptoms as having a cold will appears. Staying up doesn’t matter for the health people, but the kidney disease patient may suffers the related damages. Apart from acute inflammation stage, appropriate exercise is advocated. How about the benefits of the exercise? Firstly, it can improve the immunity and avoid worsening or relapsing the condition. Secondly, exercise can activate blood vessels and control blood pressure and blood fat. Finally, keep a bright mood. Some patients regard the working even the manual labor as kinds of exercise. What the exercise we have mentioned above is the exercise in calm or bright mood. These series of activities can provide the parts of body mediate and continuous exercise, improving the body flexibility. The activities during the working time are rare to serve these functions. Therefore, we can count it as exercise. It is those who can control with themselves can make further in the process of fighting against disease.
What diseases are caused by kidney disease Kidney is an important organ
What diseases are caused by kidney disease Kidney is an important organ, if kidney has problem, that must be serious, nowadays many people cause to the happen of kidney disease, it will influence our health. Therefore, we hope patients can get timely treatment, or it will cause to other diseases. I will introduce more details in the follow: 1 skin symptoms Boring, scaling, dull. some patients have darker skin, caused by diffuse melanin. Uremia discharged from the sweat glands, will be condensed into white crystals called "urea cream" , stimulating the skin so that it would cause to uremic dermatitis and skin itching (skin itching and secondary parathyroid hormone also have relations). 2 respiratory system performance Exhaled gas has the smell of urine, susceptible to bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Severe metabolic acidosis, can show Kusima big breath. Recognize the dangers of renal insufficiency so as to control kidney disease earlier. 3, cardiovascular systemic symptoms High blood pressure, myocardial damage, arrhythmia, and may have small arteries, retinal arteriosclerosis can affect the vision and retinal hemorrhage. In severe cases can show pericardial friction (fibrous pericarditis), the majority may have pericardial effusion, and even cardiac tamponade. The end of renal damage will be more serious, leading to the emergence of heart failure earlier. 4, Hematopoietic system kidney symptoms Severe anemia is an important symptom, patients in early stage will have bleeding tendency, often accompanied with subcutaneous ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding gums, or hematemesis, hematochezia, hematuria, intracranial hemorrhage, menstrual disorders, the majority may have pericardial hemorrhage.
Supper and fat According to statistics
Supper and fat According to statistics, 90% fat man is because that they take more and exercise less in the supper, excessive heat forms into fat under the function of insulin. So they become fatter and fatter. Supper and diabetes Long term over intake in supper, usually stimulate amounts of secret of insulin, which is easy to increase the burden of pancreas islet, accelerating its aging, further inducing diabetes, of course, fat will also induce diabetes. Supper and urine tract stone Body discharging calcium after 4-5 hours of supper, if take late on the supper, you have been in the sleeping when the body start discharging calcium. And then urine retain in the ureter, bladder, urine tract and can’t be discharged out of our body in time and causing the intake of calcium increasing, which is easy to deposit and form to crystals. Long-term deposition is easy to form to stone. Supper and high blood pressure If your supper is too fat, blood flowing rate becomes slow when sleeping, amounts of blood fat will deposit in the vascular wall. And then causing to shrink of arteriole and microscopic artery so that peripheral vascular resistance increases, make blood pressure is suddenly going up, accelerating the process of sclerosis Supper and fat liver Over eat in the supper,the concentration of blood sugar and fatty acid will accelerate the composition of fat, in addition, less activity in the evening also accelerate the transfer of fatty liver
"Science" 和having eaten for a lifetime, do you really eat in the right way?
Many people believe that eggs nutrition value is high,so to eat three or four eggs a day, actually otherwise, the eggs while high nutritional value, but eat too many will also be harmful to the kidneys. 1.Increase the burden of liver and kidney.In general, the daily consumption of 1 ~ 2 eggs can meet our of eight kinds of necessary amino acid for human.The extra eggs will only into fat, obesity, more important is egg break down after the metabolites and metabolism produced a large number of nitrogenous waste will aggravate the burden of liver and kidney, is not conducive to our body.So we should control the amount of eggs intake everyday. 2.Increase proteinuria with nephropathy patients.Eat too many eggs can cause kidney filtration membrane damage for patients with high albumin, aggravating proteinuria. 3.uremia may occur. The renal function and metabolism decreased for patients with kidney disease, and urine volume reduce, metabolites in the body can't completely discharged by nephritic eduction body, if eating too many eggs, can make the increase of urea in the body, lead to kidney disease illness, appear even uremia.
7 signal, tells that there are excessive waste your body waste. Are Your body health?
These symptoms tell,Your body has wastes or already exceed! Take a look at! 1.Constipation: a signal of exceed intestinal garbage. If you defecation interval is more than 3 days, you may suffer from constipation.Long-term constipation, can produce a large number of toxin accumulation, these "junk" absorbed by the body, will lead to the intestines and stomach discomfort, bad breath, dark spots and other symptoms, cause human body organ function weaken, and decline resistance. Advice:Eat more high cellulose content food,both fruit, vegetables, and drink plenty of water, to ensure the intestinal health. 2.Obesity: Signal of high-energy food intake.If your weight is 20%more than standard weight, belong to obesity.It is exceed of high quantity of heat food.Obesity is easy to cause asthma, heart palpitations, endocrine disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Advice:Reasonable arrangement of diet, take part in outdoor sports. 3.Chloasma: Signal of chronic exceed of alcohol.When you appear chloasma, may also is a signal of body garbage accumulation.Reason may be change of the endocrine, long-term oral contraceptives, liver disease, cancer, chronic alcoholism, sunlight, etc. Advice:Should be pay attention to health condition, if you are unwell go to hospital for medical treatment.Better not long-term use of medicines like birth control pills and others. 4.Acne: Signal of high fat diet. Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of hair follicle and sebaceous glands.The lack of trace elements, mental tension, high fat or high carbohydrate diet also can be the cause of acne. Advice:Timely reduce stress, a reasonable diet.Need to the hospital when serious. 5.Bad breath:Signal of lung, spleen, stomach heat. Bad breath is a symptom point to inside the mouth venting stinking, food won't go out long-term deposition in the body become into toxin.Gluttony spicy food or eat and drink too much, too tired, feeling of pathogenic heat, deficiency fire within, or some oral diseases and digestive system diseases can cause bad breath. Advice:Focus on digestive health, when necessary take diet treatment or medication treatment, to eat more digestible food, drink some porridge nourishing the stomach. 6.Duodenal ulcer: Signal of sorrow is excessive. Sorrow into liver depression and energy stagnation of endogenous poison, disorder of diet, too hungry or too full, eat spicy, etc, addicted to cigarettes, alcohol and bring outcoming poison can cause of duodenal ulcer. Advice:Don't stay up late, less spicy food, alcohol and tobacco. 7.Eczema: signal of gastrointestinal system garbage overweight, mental tension.More caused by the digestive system disease, gastrointestinal dysfunction, tension, or foreign materials to stimulate skin inflammatory reaction disease, it is also caused by waste accumulation during the process of metabolism. Advice:Drink more water, diet treatment, medication treatment, timely removal of toxins in the body.
Ever since fat was demonized, people started eating more sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods instead
As a result, the entire world has become fatter and sicker. However, times
are changing. Studies now show that fat, including saturated fat, isn’t the
devil it was made out to be. All sorts of healthy foods that happen to contain
fat have now returned to the “superfood" scene.
1. Avocados
Loaded with fats. In fact, avocados are about 77% fat, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods.
The main fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. This is also the predominant fatty acid in olive oil, associated with various health benefits.
Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high-potassium food.
2. Cheese
Cheese is incredibly nutritious. This makes sense, given that an entire cup of milk is used to produce a single thick slice of cheese.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of those rare health foods that actually taste incredible.
It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories. Dark chocolate is 11% fiber and contains over 50% of the RDA for iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
4. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs used to be considered unhealthy because the yolks are high in cholesterol and fat.
In fact, a single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in whole eggs are from fat. However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs doesn't affect the cholesterol in the blood, at least not in the majority of people.
What we're left with is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
5. Nuts
Nuts are incredibly healthy. They are high in healthy fats and fiber, and are a good plant-based source of protein.
Nuts are also high in vitamin E, as well as magnesium, a mineral that most people don't get enough of.
Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and have a lower risk of various diseases. This includes obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
1. Avocados
Loaded with fats. In fact, avocados are about 77% fat, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods.
The main fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. This is also the predominant fatty acid in olive oil, associated with various health benefits.
Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high-potassium food.
2. Cheese
Cheese is incredibly nutritious. This makes sense, given that an entire cup of milk is used to produce a single thick slice of cheese.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of those rare health foods that actually taste incredible.
It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories. Dark chocolate is 11% fiber and contains over 50% of the RDA for iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
4. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs used to be considered unhealthy because the yolks are high in cholesterol and fat.
In fact, a single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in whole eggs are from fat. However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs doesn't affect the cholesterol in the blood, at least not in the majority of people.
What we're left with is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
5. Nuts
Nuts are incredibly healthy. They are high in healthy fats and fiber, and are a good plant-based source of protein.
Nuts are also high in vitamin E, as well as magnesium, a mineral that most people don't get enough of.
Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and have a lower risk of various diseases. This includes obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Ever since fat was demonized, people started eating more sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods instead
As a result, the entire world has become fatter and sicker. However, times
are changing. Studies now show that fat, including saturated fat, isn’t the
devil it was made out to be. All sorts of healthy foods that happen to contain
fat have now returned to the “superfood" scene.
1. Avocados
Loaded with fats. In fact, avocados are about 77% fat, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods.
The main fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. This is also the predominant fatty acid in olive oil, associated with various health benefits.
Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high-potassium food.
2. Cheese
Cheese is incredibly nutritious. This makes sense, given that an entire cup of milk is used to produce a single thick slice of cheese.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of those rare health foods that actually taste incredible.
It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories. Dark chocolate is 11% fiber and contains over 50% of the RDA for iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
4. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs used to be considered unhealthy because the yolks are high in cholesterol and fat.
In fact, a single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in whole eggs are from fat. However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs doesn't affect the cholesterol in the blood, at least not in the majority of people.
What we're left with is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
5. Nuts
Nuts are incredibly healthy. They are high in healthy fats and fiber, and are a good plant-based source of protein.
Nuts are also high in vitamin E, as well as magnesium, a mineral that most people don't get enough of.
Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and have a lower risk of various diseases. This includes obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
1. Avocados
Loaded with fats. In fact, avocados are about 77% fat, making them even higher in fat than most animal foods.
The main fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. This is also the predominant fatty acid in olive oil, associated with various health benefits.
Avocados are among the best sources of potassium in the diet, even containing 40% more potassium than bananas, a typical high-potassium food.
2. Cheese
Cheese is incredibly nutritious. This makes sense, given that an entire cup of milk is used to produce a single thick slice of cheese.
3. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of those rare health foods that actually taste incredible.
It is very high in fat, with fat at around 65% of calories. Dark chocolate is 11% fiber and contains over 50% of the RDA for iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
4. Whole Eggs
Whole eggs used to be considered unhealthy because the yolks are high in cholesterol and fat.
In fact, a single egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is 71% of the recommended daily intake. Plus, 62% of the calories in whole eggs are from fat. However, new studies have shown that cholesterol in eggs doesn't affect the cholesterol in the blood, at least not in the majority of people.
What we're left with is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
5. Nuts
Nuts are incredibly healthy. They are high in healthy fats and fiber, and are a good plant-based source of protein.
Nuts are also high in vitamin E, as well as magnesium, a mineral that most people don't get enough of.
Studies show that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier, and have a lower risk of various diseases. This includes obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Iga kidney disease diet
IGA nephropathy diet What are the requirements! There are a lot of kidney disease was found out on the IGA nephropathy, this kidney disease is rather special, it brings the symptoms are more obvious, will cause the patient's glomerular and other tissues cause harm. So it should be treated, but the diet is also an important thing patients can not be ignored.
【Kidney disease expert tips】
IGA nephropathy diet should be relatively light to help digestion, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food, wine and all hair things such as: spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley,
Especially in patients with red tongue, pulse flood, night sweats, dry stool, hematuria and other Yin patients; but Yang deficiency of IGA nephropathy patients such as: pale tongue white, pulse Shen, cold body cold, then thin, Food.
Yi Shi fresh vegetables and the amount of fruit, appropriate water; not eat all supplements, tonic and easy to get angry food such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular, Yin deficiency heat such as tongue purple, pulse, chest tightness, abdominal distension and other patients with stasis.
Edema should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein food, less water. Edema is not heavy, can be into the low sodium diet; no swelling does not limit the amount of drinking water and protein food; microscopic hematuria who should be liters and more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame, Of the food. "Bogey seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food, wine and all hair things such as: spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley, etc .; not eat all supplements, tonic and easy to get angry food such as: chili, lychee, Weight should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein food, less water.
These are IgA nephropathy diet need to pay attention to things, we understand how much for these? Reasonable diet, can lay the foundation for the treatment of patients, I hope the majority of patients are to be taken seriously.
【Kidney disease expert tips】
IGA nephropathy diet should be relatively light to help digestion, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food, wine and all hair things such as: spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley,
Especially in patients with red tongue, pulse flood, night sweats, dry stool, hematuria and other Yin patients; but Yang deficiency of IGA nephropathy patients such as: pale tongue white, pulse Shen, cold body cold, then thin, Food.
Yi Shi fresh vegetables and the amount of fruit, appropriate water; not eat all supplements, tonic and easy to get angry food such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. In particular, Yin deficiency heat such as tongue purple, pulse, chest tightness, abdominal distension and other patients with stasis.
Edema should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein food, less water. Edema is not heavy, can be into the low sodium diet; no swelling does not limit the amount of drinking water and protein food; microscopic hematuria who should be liters and more water, eat more apples, sugar, black sesame, Of the food. "Bogey seafood, beef, lamb, spicy spicy food, wine and all hair things such as: spiced aniseed, coffee, parsley, etc .; not eat all supplements, tonic and easy to get angry food such as: chili, lychee, Weight should avoid salt, limit the amount of protein food, less water.
These are IgA nephropathy diet need to pay attention to things, we understand how much for these? Reasonable diet, can lay the foundation for the treatment of patients, I hope the majority of patients are to be taken seriously.
IGA nephropathy high blood creatinine how to treat?

IGA nephropathy is a glomerular mesangial area characterized by the predominance of IGA accumulation in glomerular disease. Most people before the onset of upper respiratory tract or gastrointestinal infections, a few hours or days after the onset of hematuria, local patients have general malaise, muscle and waist pain, sometimes showing dysuria and urinary frequency. Immunofluorescence showed IGA granular accumulation along the mesangial and capillary walls. The clinical manifestations of recurrent episodes of gross hematuria with or without proteinuria.
Simple hematuria such as timely, standard treatment is often a little better prognosis, and IGA nephropathy with a large number of proteinuria hematuria in patients with poor prognosis. Hematuria and (or) proteinuria is due to the accumulation of immune complexes to the glomerular basement membrane, causing glomerular ischemia and hypoxia, increased permeability of the basement membrane barrier, leading to red blood cells from these damaged basement membrane leakage .
Early kidney damage is no obvious clinical symptoms, with pathological damage more and more serious, renal ischemia and hypoxia, glomerular cells inherent in the beginning of proliferation, sclerosis, necrosis, renal fibrosis followed by attack, in turn Continue to promote the kidney cells and renal function of the inherent decline in a large number of toxins can not be promptly excreted in vitro accumulation of the body, resulting in the body of a series of toxic reactions, and then showed elevated serum creatinine, urea nitrogen increased, such as did not stop Timely and effective standard treatment, later will soon enter uremia!
From the IGA nephropathy, proteinuria, serum creatinine rise in the principle can be seen in the picture - IGA nephropathy will increase serum creatinine, occult blood, proteinuria will show behind the "manipulation of hand" is the kidney fibrosis, Kidney inherent cell damage, variation.
IGA nephropathy patients due to 5 years of medication do not understand the standard of treatment, systematic poor, had missed the optimal treatment of simple hematuria. As the lack of knowledge on the treatment of IGA nephropathy, choose the doctor do not understand, no targeted, but also failed to grasp only hematuria, proteinuria present, serum creatinine did not increase the inflammatory response to treatment opportunities. And now into the renal fibrosis constitute the period, elevated serum creatinine, the treatment process is the last chance to reverse the disease, the patient's treatment should be blocked from renal fibrosis and glomerular repair inherent cells, consolidate, multi-target Comprehensive treatment.
Three experts weigh in on the subtle ways your little one might be asking for your help.
Kids with anxiety often worry about what's going to happen and if they're going to be okay. While they might not be able to truly verbalize these fears, they might frequently try to ease their minds by coming to you with questions about the future. "Children often include their parents in their anxiety by asking for and seeking out reassurance," says Dr. Janine Domingues, a clinical psychologist in the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute in New York City. If your child is beginning to ask a wealth of questions that begin with the words "what if," take note.
Abnormal behavioral symptoms of any sickness are often the ones that parents notice first, and behavioral symptoms of anxiety are no exception, says Dr. Aarti Gupta, a family psychologist and the clinical director of TherapyNest in Los Altos, California. Just like when she's battling an illness that makes her stomach upset, your child might push away food (or even eat more of it than usual) when she's feeling anxious.
Dr. Debra Kissen, the clinical director of the Light on Anxiety Treatment Center in Chicago, says that children will often seem irritable and aggressive as they attempt to process the complex emotions that come with an anxiety disorder. She also says children with anxiety might exhibit a "low frustration tolerance" - meaning their reactions will seem disproportionate to the severity of the situations they're dealing with, and their temper tantrums might seem over-the-top.
Although these physical symptoms might not seem directly connected to the mental health problem that is anxiety, all three of our experts point to frequent headaches and stomachaches as common signs of the disorder. These physical reactions are the direct result of your child's body responding to the danger they perceive, Dr. Domingues says.
Blood urine disappears

Blood urine disappears..... Do you still remember the blood urine before 6 days? The condition is not good, through professor Wangzhigang’s consultation, and then making treatment plan for them, using Chinese medicine characteristic treatment- hilum therapy. Which can open micro-circulation vessels, promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction and then promoting medicine to enter into blood by moxibustion so as to achieve the goal of treatment. Six days later, urine blood disappear gradually. Seen her changes of her illness condition, she is surprised. Let’s pray for her!
Orange peel, appetizing phlegm An orange is rich in vitamin C
Orange peel, appetizing phlegm An orange is rich in vitamin C, carotene,
large amounts of protein and other nutrients. Drying or shredding the orange
peel, make tea with boiled water, smells and tastes are both well, and it has
functions of appetizing, body ventilation and refreshing. Orange peel can do
porridge, can alleviate the symptoms of thoracic and abdominal bloat, and cough
phlegm. Watermelon skin, heat-clearing and detoxifying Watermelon is good parts
to relieve calenture. Watermelon skin also contains rich in sugars, minerals,
and vitamins, also have effects like heat-clearing, relieve calenture, and
reduce blood pressure, and so on. Can do salad or Fried with meat, soup is also
a good choice. The tomato skin, prevent cancer Lycopene is a powerful
antioxidant, can prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention, the tomato
skin contains large amounts of lycopene. Therefore, tomatoes eat with the skin
will be better. Cucumber skin – expelling of toxins Cucumber contains more
ptyalin, it’s the nutrition of cucumber essence. Eat cucumber not only can make
skin fully absorb vitamin C, and can help the body detoxify effectively. In
addition, cucumber has antibacterial anti-inflammatory effect. When people eat
melon and fruit are used to discard the skin, but don't know melon fruit is
"good medicine" to the prevention and treatment of diseases, has a good effect
to human body health, so, later don't throw the peel, that is wasteful.
These matters needing attention for PKD diets For the PKD patients
These matters needing attention for PKD diets For the PKD patients, the main dietary principle is light, and avoid supply nutrition with blind eyes. Firstly, the patients should take low-salt and low-sodium diets and avoid the diet rich in salt. Secondly, they should take diets low in protein or take good protein intake, such as milk, lean meat and so on. Besides, the diet low in phosphorus is also good for them.Specially speaking, they should avoid eating spicy food, including pepper, alcohol, shrimp, crab and so on; avoid eating barbecue; avoid beans and bean products; and avoid salty class, such as pickled and so on. And it is better to not eat fried food. For the questions about special food, the patients should consult to the main doctor for kidney disease, and avoid taking diets with their own options.
Does renal transplant means health once and for all? A successful renal
Does renal transplant means health once and for all? A successful renal
transplant and well being afterwards depends on the following points. 1. The
patient’s condition is the basis. To guarantee the success of the surgery and
long term stability after it, uremic patients should confirm that their primary
diseases such as nephritis are not in an active stage and renal function
recovery is impossible and their condition is relatively good. 2. Successful
surgery is the necessary condition. Perfect match, no systemic disease with the
receipt, rapidity in getting the donated kidney and superb skills of the surgeon
are important guarantees of a successful surgery. 3. Rejection is a problem that
kidney transplantation patients are likely to confront at any time. Although
there is big progress in the effect of anti-rejection drugs and it improves the
survival rate of transplanted kidney in a short time, it has little to do with
chronic rejection. Once rejection occurs, renal function will decline to failure
gradually and patients require dialysis again. Long time use of anti-rejection
drugs will also lower the patients’ immunity. Infection is the main reason that
leads to rejection and death. In the meantime, rate of cancer is dozens of times
of normal people. In addition, anti-rejection drugs can also cause
hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, high blood sugar and bone loss, which are not
adverse reactions of patients on dialysis. 4. Patients with complications and
other potential diseases should be cautious. Renal transplant means getting rid
of dialysis in a sense, but it can’t cure potential diseases such as diabetes,
arteriosclerosis or even can make them worse. Previous kidney disease may also
recur in the transplanted kidney. 5. The donor had better be living. The
survival rate of transplanted kidney from a dead donor is almost the same with
dialysis. So life span doesn’t change because of transplant. 6. To uremic
patients with viral hepatitis such as HBV, HCV, they need to take anti-rejection
drugs for a long time. Because of immune suppression, active hepatitis or even
liver failure may happen. So this kind of patients had better not receive renal
transplant. Medical technology keeps developing nowadays. Uremic patients don’t
need to pin all their hope to renal transplant. Uremia is not completely
incurable. With proper treatment, it can be controlled. Clinical research shows
that as long as there is still renal function, there is hope to cure it. As long
as there is hope, patients should never give up treatment.
Dialysis is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood

Six kinds of way of lifestyle damage Kidney If there is a kidney damage
Six kinds of way of lifestyle damage Kidney If there is a kidney damage, is
not simply the kidney is affected by healthy problems, but the whole body.As the
change of lifestyle, there are some behavior hurts kidney.What kind of life
style will be harmful to kidney? Either to work day and night, too busy to drink
water,or endless entertainment, eating and drinking...This is working state of
life nowadays for many office workers, they put the kidneys slowly worn
out.Kidney disease is mainly concentrated in the elderly before, but in recent
years, young patients with nephropathy gradually rise, there is more young
people in their 20 s,and patients about 20 to 35 years old now has accounted for
nearly forty percents.The cause of young people is obsessed with kidney disease
mainly because of bad living habits, like irregularity eating, eating and
drinking to much, often exercise little, the bad living habits will drive down
the body's immunity, easily lead to kidney problems.Early nephropathy
quietly,made people off guard, who knows when kidney disease has buried a hidden
mines in the body? Kidney injury affect the whole body. Kidney has three
functions:One is to generate urine, maintain the balance of water. Second,
education the metabolites and toxic substances out of body. Third is endocrine
function.Such as erythropoietin secretion to promote bone marrow hematopoiesis.
It is because the three big functions of kidney, so if there are problems in
kidney, other parts of the body also can appear problem.Early nephropathy
symptoms mainly are fatigue, eyelid edema, face pale, a large number of bubbles
in urine, micturition and pain or difficulty.Then generate anorexia, nausea,
vomiting, lumbago, nocturia increased, anasarca, increased blood pressure,
breath with urine smell, bone pain, itching, muscle tremor, hands and feet
numbness, slow in reaction, etc.If severe, can lead to multiple organ such as
heart, liver and lung function failure. What kind of life style damage kidney 1.
The too salty food. Diet partial salty, especially some snacks are high salt
content, such as eating Fried potato chips, instant noodles, etc. Will make
people unknowingly absorb excess salt, lead to high blood pressure, unable to
maintain normal renal blood flow, so as to induce kidney disease. 2. The
analgesic drug abuse.Long-term or high-dose take some anti-inflammatory
analgesic drugs, easy to cause damage to the kidney.Renal damage can be shown
as: fatigue, dry mouth, loss of appetite, frequent urination, urgency
urination,urine pain appear even hematuria and aseptic pyuria, accompanied by
joint pain and other symptoms.Some direct causes nephrotic syndrome like acute
nephritis or glomerular necrosis,can lead to kidney failure and death if
serious. 3. Overeating.Modern meals more opportunity to dine together, and often
eat too much "delicious", food intake will eventually produce waste, uric acid
and urea nitrogen and so on.Most of these wastes discharged through the kidneys,
dietary excesses will no doubt increase the burden of the kidney. 4. Often hold
a full bladder.Some people because of busy work hold full bladder for a long
time.Urine in the bladder for too long it is easy to breed bacteria, bacteria
can the retrograde to the kidney, causing urinary tract infection and
pyelonephritis.These infections once break out repeatedly, can cause chronic
infection, is not easy to cure.Patients not only can appear the symptom such as
back pain, frequent urgency urination, may also become acute uremia. 5. Too
little water.If without water for a long time, the urine volume decreases,
carrying waste and toxins in the urine concentration will increase.Clinical
common kidney stones and kidney seeper, etc are closely related with long time
without water.Drink more water can dilute the urine, protect the kidney, which
is beneficial to fully discharge wastes and toxins. 6. Excessive drinking
beverage. The excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks indirect damage
of kidney.The ph value is 7.2 in the human body, the drinks generally is highly
acidic, after drinking the body ph change obviously.Kidney is a major organ to
adjust ph value in the human body, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and
sports drinks, can give a kidney burden, increase the probability of kidney
Kidney disease is the third disease that threaten our health. As a kind of chronic kidney disease
Kidney disease is the third disease that threaten our health. As a kind of chronic kidney disease, its treatment period is long, but in this battle, many patients has this wrong idea. Index reduction is not equal to illness recover Many kidney disease patients don’t pay high attention to their illness, usually use hormone to control proteinuria. In the beginning, it is effective, all indexes turn to be better in a short time and even disappears totally. So patients are very happy for their recover. Not a long time later, however, a cold or overtired condition make their illness appears and aggravates, so they use hormone again, while this time, the urine protein doesn’t disappear, what worse is that fat, hydrothorax and ascite, even liver function damaged, illness condition aggravates day by day. Experts caution: urine protein is the result of glomerular damage. So urine protein disappears is not equal to illness recover, this is a wrong idea. Just using hormone, have effects in the beginning, but it will repeat in a long term and these medicines have side effects. The right treatment should be treated from the root, eliminating proteinuria through repairing damaged glomerular.
Kidney disease is the third disease that threaten our health. As a kind of chronic kidney disease, its treatment period is long, but in this battle, many patients has this wrong idea. Index reduction is not equal to illness recover Many kidney disease patients don’t pay high attention to their illness, usually use hormone to control proteinuria. In the beginning, it is effective, all indexes turn to be better in a short time and even disappears totally. So patients are very happy for their recover. Not a long time later, however, a cold or overtired condition make their illness appears and aggravates, so they use hormone again, while this time, the urine protein doesn’t disappear, what worse is that fat, hydrothorax and ascite, even liver function damaged, illness condition aggravates day by day. Experts caution: urine protein is the result of glomerular damage. So urine protein disappears is not equal to illness recover, this is a wrong idea. Just using hormone, have effects in the beginning, but it will repeat in a long term and these medicines have side effects. The right treatment should be treated from the root, eliminating proteinuria through repairing damaged glomerular.
What causes obesity?
A person becomes obese when s/he consumes more calories than is being used by the body. This type of weight gain can take place over weeks, months, or years. In contrast, if you spend more energy than is taken in, weight loss occurs. Finally, if the amount of calories consumed equals the amount of calories being used, weight stays the same.
Risk factors
Risk factors increase the likelihood of experiencing a disease or condition. Some factors might contribute to the development of obesity. For example, you're at higher risk obesity if you watch more than 2 hours of TV per day or are diagnosed with certain medical conditions.
Environmental factors – People who do not have enough time in the day to exercise due to long commutes are more at risk than others of becoming obese.
Ethnicity - Although obesity affects people of all ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds, Hispanic and African-Americans are at higher risk of developing obesity.
Genetics - Both obesity and being overweight may be influenced by genetics.
Gender - Women are more likely than men at becoming obese.
Income - Income is also correlated with a greater tendency to be obese, with women of lower-income being 50% more at risk of obesity than women of middle- and upper-income backgrounds.
Lifestyle – People who have just quit smoking are more at risk of becoming obese. Alos, people who experience lack of sleep are more likely to be obese.
Medication – Taking medications such as corticosteroids or birth control pills can increase your risk of becoming obese.
What’s the daily care of patients with lupus nephritis
What’s the daily care of patients with lupus nephritis?
1. Rest on bed. 2. Low salt, low fat and high quality protein food. Patients with high glucose on hormone should keep a low sugar diet. 3. Patients with severe swelling and low urine volume should pay attention to nutrition supplement and medicine to control water, electrolytes and acidbase balance. 4. Record water intake and urine volume in 24 hours. 5. Patients with hypertension should monitor their bp regularly. 6. Prevent infection and do oral and skin care. 7. Patients with kidney failure should be taken care of according to routine related treatment.
Attentions of membranous nephropathy patients
Attentions of membranous nephropathy patients
1, membranous nephropathy patients should pay attention to rest and avoid over tired and prevent infection. Diet should be dominated as low protein. Pay attention to supplement vitamin. Avoid using medicine that would damage kidney.
2, can kidney disease patients take salt and soda
Salt intake should be controlled in 5-6g/d for normal person, while some area’s people daily salt intake can high as 12g/d, taking much salt and soda rich in sodium will induce swelling, so renal swelling patients should control the intake of salt and soda, salt intake controlled in 2-3g is called as low salt diet, no salt intake also not scientific. Long term no salt diet would cause to fatigue and headache.
3, membranous nephropathy should pay attention to protect the remaining renal function, adjusting kinds of factors which make renal blood flowing decrease( such as hypoproteinemia, dehydration and low blood pressure) and prevent infection. We should treat in time for complications that influence patients curative effects and long-term prognosis.
4, how much water should membranous nephropathy patients should take?
Urine volume generally is 1-2kg for normal people, acute nephritis, acute kidney failure in oliguria stage and nephrotic syndrome, chronic kidney failure accompanying with oliguria swelling patients should control water intake. Because water intake and can’t discharge out, it would retain in the body, it can also aggravate high blood pressure. And water intake should be urine volume add to 500ml. Water intake should increase when the urine volume increases. In addition, Patients with urinary tract infections such as acute nephropyelitis, urine tract infection, bladder infection and so on. Excepting from taking medicine in time, it would be good to increase water intake and urination.
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