
Kidney disease is the third disease that threaten our health. As a kind of chronic kidney disease

肾病目前已是威胁都市人健康的第三类疾病。作为一种慢性病,其治疗也是一场“持久战”,但在这场“战斗”中,有很多患者却常有两种认识上的误区。 “指标降”≠“病就好” 许多肾病患者,初期可能不重视肾病的严重性,往往采用口服激素等控制尿蛋白。刚开始治疗效果还比较明显,尿蛋白等几项化验指标很快好转,有的甚至完全消失。于是患者就认为自己病好了,非常高兴。 但没多久,遇到感冒、劳累等不良刺激,病情有加重了。于是,又开始使用激素等药物,如此反复,药是吃了不少,但尿蛋白却没有得到控制,反而出现了肥胖、胸腹水、甚至是肝功能受损、股骨头坏死等药物副作用,病情也日渐加重。 专家提醒:尿蛋白是由于肾脏内肾小球基底膜受到了严重损伤才从尿中渗漏出来的,如果只认为尿蛋白消失了就是病好了,是认识上的错误。单纯使用一些控制性药物,初期有效果,但也只是暂时的,并且这些药物往往会有副作用,治标没治本。 正确的治疗,应是从根本上对肾脏进行系统治疗,通过修复受损的肾小球来彻底消除尿蛋白症状。
Kidney disease is the third disease that threaten our health. As a kind of chronic kidney disease, its treatment period is long, but in this battle, many patients has this wrong idea. Index reduction is not equal to illness recover Many kidney disease patients don’t pay high attention to their illness, usually use hormone to control proteinuria. In the beginning, it is effective, all indexes turn to be better in a short time and even disappears totally. So patients are very happy for their recover. Not a long time later, however, a cold or overtired condition make their illness appears and aggravates, so they use hormone again, while this time, the urine protein doesn’t disappear, what worse is that fat, hydrothorax and ascite, even liver function damaged, illness condition aggravates day by day. Experts caution: urine protein is the result of glomerular damage. So urine protein disappears is not equal to illness recover, this is a wrong idea. Just using hormone, have effects in the beginning, but it will repeat in a long term and these medicines have side effects. The right treatment should be treated from the root, eliminating proteinuria through repairing damaged glomerular.

