
Symptoms of Kidney Diseases Kidney is the root of one’s body

Symptoms of Kidney Diseases Kidney is the root of one’s body, so everyone should protect it very carefully. But do you know the symptoms of kidney diseases? See as bellows: 1.Always feel tired. When there are some problems with your kidney, the metabolic waste cannot be eliminated from the urine. Thus, you may feel tired and languid. Some people may think the reason is overtired or other things, which may make them ignore the problems in their kidney. 2.Have no appetite and even feel nauseated. When people have those symptoms, some of them always think that there are something wrong with their stomach. They think it is nothing serious so that they put it aside. However, they do not know that may be the early symptoms of kidney disease, and even worse they may delay the best occasion for the treatment. 3.Foam in urine. There are many reasons of why there are foam in one’s urine. One reason is that there is protein leaking from kidney to the urine. 4.Low back pain. The location of the kidney is in two sides of the lumbar spine. So people may feel low back pain when they have kidney diseases. 5.Too much or too little urine a day. A health person urinates for four to six times a day and the urine volume is 800 to 2000 ml. If the volume is decrease or increase, there may be something wrong with ones kidney. 6.Swelling. If there is a sudden swelling of your eyelids, lower limbs or general pitting edema of your body, you must pay attention to whether you have kidney diseases or not. 7. Urine protein or urine occult blood. You’d better to take regular physical examinations. If you do have urine protein and urine occult blood in the routine urinalysis, you do remember to see a doctor in time. 8. Anemia. If we appear anemia, we will thinks about blood problem at once. But actually, kidney damage can also cause anemia. Because the function of kidney is not only to excrete body wastes but also to secrete Hematopoietic hormone. 9. Diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes. There are five stages of diabetic nephropathy. And it is efficient to receive the early treatment. Once it is too late, it will evolve into uremia. Therefore, patients with diabetes must take renal examinations frequently. 10. Hypertension. High blood pressure may lead to hypertensive nephropathy, so people with high blood pressure must be so careful. In fact, kidney diseases can also cause high blood pressure. So if you have high blood pressure, you should be careful enough if you got kidney disease. 11.Gout and hyperuricemia. Too much uric acid in blood lead to gout and hyperuricemia. The deposition of uric acid can damage the kidney. 12.Urinary tract infection. If you are often affected by Urinary tract infection that you should be careful. Because urinary tract infection may cause renal insufficiency. People may do not know it can lead to kidney disease. So when the final results have found, many people already have missed the best occasion for treatment because of the incomplete and delayed therapy in early treatment.

